Movement is Medicine-SINGLE CLASS

$10. Single Class without the Online Zoom Membership purchased.

Instructor: Marshall Swiney

Wednesday and Fridays 12:30pm -1:30pm EST

If you're experiencing instability on your feet, dealing with issues like swollen knees, arthritis, or noticing a decline in your posture and mental clarity, you might find yourself disconnecting from activities that once supported your well-being. Movement Is Medicine providing chair and standing solutions to guide you and your body towards vitality.

Join Marshall Swiney, a certified Chair Yoga instructor trained at the Govardhan School of Yoga in India, for Movement Is Medicine (Yoga in a Chair). Reclaim your confidence, enhance mobility, flexibility, and strength. With over three decades of experience,

Marshall Swiney has been dedicated to promoting physical wellness among seniors since 1985, working in Nursing Homes and Senior Centers. He earned his BFA degree in Dance from Florida State University in 1980 and continues to choreograph and present new works to this day.


To Purchase a Monthly Membership Subscription: $25. Click the link here.

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